Needed To Do When Payroll Period had Incorrect Covered Year/Month, Cutoff or Not INORDER Payroll Period ID

  1. Advise first the Client and the team(HRWeb).
  2. Backup the Processed DTR and Payroll Register. The backup data must be from the newest payroll period upto the affected payroll period.
  3. If the client has the GO Signal, proceed to resetting the payroll IN ORDER, from the newest payroll period upto the affected payroll period. 
  4. Proceed to clear the dtr IN ORDER, from the newest payroll period upto the affected payroll period. 
  5. After resetting and clearing, fix the incorrect Payroll Period Covered Year/Month, Cutoff or not INORDER Payroll Period ID.
  6. After that, process DTR IN ORDER, from the affected payroll period upto the newest payroll period. 
  7. After processing the DTR, post the payroll IN ORDER, from the affected payroll period upto the newest payroll period. 
  8. Inform client to check the processed DTR and posted Payroll. Check from the backup data vs final processed and posted payroll.