Needed To Do When Payroll Period had Incorrect Covered Year/Month, Cutoff or Not INORDER Payroll Period ID
- Advise first the Client and the team(HRWeb).
- Backup the Processed DTR and Payroll Register. The backup data must be from the newest payroll period upto the affected payroll period.
- If the client has the GO Signal, proceed to resetting the payroll IN ORDER, from the newest payroll period upto the affected payroll period.
- Proceed to clear the dtr IN ORDER, from the newest payroll period upto the affected payroll period.
- After resetting and clearing, fix the incorrect Payroll Period Covered Year/Month, Cutoff or not INORDER Payroll Period ID.
- After that, process DTR IN ORDER, from the affected payroll period upto the newest payroll period.
- After processing the DTR, post the payroll IN ORDER, from the affected payroll period upto the newest payroll period.
- Inform client to check the processed DTR and posted Payroll. Check from the backup data vs final processed and posted payroll.